Misfuelling and Insurance: What to Know About Wrong Fuel Cover and Claims


Misfuelling, the act of accidentally filling a vehicle with the incorrect fuel type, is a surprisingly common occurrence in the UK, with an estimated 150,000 drivers experiencing this mishap every year. For many, the immediate concern in the event of a misfuelling incident is the potential damage to the vehicle and the cost implications of addressing the issue. A key factor in navigating misfuelling mishaps is understanding how vehicle insurance policies typically address wrong fuel incidents, as well as what to expect if you need to make a claim due to a misfuelling event.

In this blog post, we shed light on the complexities surrounding misfuelling and insurance, including the types of coverage that may be available, what to consider in your policy, how to make a misfuelling claim, and important steps to take following a wrong fuel incident. We also discuss the critical role of professional wrong fuel specialists in supporting the recovery process, and ensuring your vehicle is treated appropriately to maximise the chances of a successful insurance claim.

Understanding Misfuelling Coverage in Your Insurance Policy

A comprehensive vehicle insurance policy does not always guarantee coverage for misfuelling incidents. It is essential for drivers to familiarise themselves with their policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions to determine if such coverage is included. Here are some common scenarios regarding misfuelling coverage:

  1. Comprehensive coverage: If your insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage, there may be provisions that cover damage caused by misfuelling, subject to your policy’s terms and conditions. With comprehensive policies, it is crucial to read the fine print and consult with your insurer to ensure misfuelling incidents are covered.
  2. Third-party, fire, and theft (TPFT) or third-party only (TPO) policies: Generally, TPFT and TPO policies do not include misfuelling cover as standard. In these cases, drivers should consider adding a misfuelling endorsement or purchasing separate misfuelling insurance, if available.
  3. Breakdown cover and roadside assistance: Some breakdown cover and roadside assistance providers can offer misfuelling recovery as an additional service. Check the provisions of your breakdown policies to determine if such coverage is included or offered as an add-on.

Key Factors When Evaluating Misfuelling Insurance Options

When scrutinising insurance options for misfuelling coverage, consider these crucial factors:

  1. Inclusion of wrong fuel recovery: Will your insurer organise and cover the cost for a wrong fuel recovery service to remove the contaminated fuel and get your vehicle operational again?
  2. Mechanical damage repair cover: Does your policy cover the cost of repairs for any damage caused by misfuelling, including to your vehicle’s engine, fuel pump, or other components?
  3. Policy excess: What amount of excess, or deductible, will you need to pay when making a claim for a misfuelling incident under your insurance policy?
  4. No-claims bonus implications: Determine whether making a misfuelling claim with your insurer will adversely affect your no-claims bonus or impact your insurance premiums in the future.

Making a Misfuelling Insurance Claim: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the unfortunate event of a misfuelling incident, follow these steps to navigate the insurance claim process:

  1. Stop using the vehicle: If you have accidentally filled up with the wrong fuel, stop driving immediately to mitigate any potential damage. Use your vehicle’s existing fuel to find a safe place to stop, if possible.
  2. Call a professional wrong fuel recovery service: Enlist the services of an experienced wrong fuel recovery specialist to remove the contaminated fuel and help ensure your vehicle is handled with care.
  3. Contact your insurer: As soon as possible, notify your insurance provider of the mishap, taking note of any special instructions or provisions related to wrong fuel rescues and damage claims.
  4. Gather evidence: Document the incident carefully, including photographs of the fuel receipt, the fuel pump, and any damage incurred. Maintain records of your correspondence with both Fuel Fixer and your insurer to assist in the claims process.
  5. Submit your claim: With all necessary documentation and evidence, file a detailed and accurate misfuelling claim with your insurer, adhering to the claims process outlined in your policy documents.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Wrong Fuel Specialists for Insurance Purposes

There are several advantages to seeking professional help from Fuel Fixer in the event of a misfuelling incident, particularly when it comes to insurance claims:

  1. Demonstrates due diligence: By engaging a reputable wrong fuel recovery specialist, you can help demonstrate your commitment to mitigating any damage and ensuring the best possible outcome for your vehicle.
  2. Expert handling of your vehicle: Professional wrong fuel specialists are equipped with the technical expertise and experience needed to safely and effectively address misfuelling incidents while avoiding further harm to your vehicle.
  3. Thorough documentation: Timely and accurate reporting of a misfuelling incident by Fuel Fixer can provide valuable documentation and evidence when submitting an insurance claim, maximising the chances of a successful claim outcome.

Conclusion: Be Prepared and Proactive in Managing Misfuelling Incidents and Insurance

By embracing a proactive approach and understanding the intricacies of your insurance policy, you can prepare for and manage misfuelling incidents more effectively while protecting your vehicle and financial wellbeing. Leverage the services of our professional wrong fuel specialists at Fuel Fixer to ensure that your vehicle is treated appropriately and efficiently, increasing the chances of a successful insurance claim.

In the world of insurances and misfuelling mishaps, knowledge is power: Familiarise yourself with your policy terms, understand the claim process, and engage in diligent documentation and expert assistance to get back on the road with confidence and peace of mind.

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