5 Things to Do When You Pump the Wrong Fuel Into Your Car


Fueling up your car can be a stressful and expensive experience, but it’s even worse when you accidentally pump the wrong fuel into your car. The wrong fuel can damage your engine and other components and can cost you a lot of money to fix. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize the damage and get your car back up and running. Here are five things you need to do after pumping the wrong fuel into your car:

1. Call for Assistance

If you notice you’ve put the wrong fuel into your car, it’s important to act fast. The first thing you should do is call a roadside assistance service. They can send a technician to drain the fuel and help you get back on the road.

It’s important to remember that putting the wrong fuel in your car can cause serious damage. If you’re not sure what to do, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and call for help.

2. Don’t Start the Engine

If you’ve put the wrong fuel in your car, it’s important not to start the engine. If you start the engine, the fuel will be circulated and cause more damage. If you’re not sure what kind of fuel you should use in your car, consult your owner’s manual or the dealership. Putting the wrong fuel in your car can void your warranty, so it’s best to avoid it if at all possible.

3. Have the System Flushed

If you’ve put the wrong fuel in your car, it’s important to act quickly and get the problem sorted out as soon as possible. The first thing you need to do is to get the car towed to a safe location. Once you’re at a safe location, you need to call a tow truck to take your car to a nearby garage.

Once you’re at the garage, the mechanics will need to drain the wrong fuel from your car. This process can take a few hours, so it’s important to be patient. Once the wrong fuel has been drained, the mechanics will need to flush the entire fuel system. This will remove any residue of the wrong fuel and help to prevent damage to other components.

4. Change the Fuel Filter

After you’ve had the fuel system flushed, you’ll need to change the fuel filter. This is important because the wrong fuel can clog the filter and cause further damage.

5. Have the Car Inspected

Finally, you’ll want to have the car inspected by a professional mechanic. This will help to ensure that the wrong fuel has not caused any damage to the engine or other components.


We hope this article helps you figure out what to do when you’ve put the wrong fuel into your car. By following these steps, you’ll help to minimize the damage caused by pumping the wrong fuel into your car. Remember, it’s always important to use the right fuel for your car to help keep it running smoothly.

If you ever have the misfortune of putting the wrong fuel in your car, you’ll need help from fuel-draining companies to safely and effectively remove the wrong fuel from your vehicle. Fuel Fixer offers mobile units across the UK to help with misfuelling issues. If you need to remove petrol in a diesel car, contact us right away.

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