Common Causes behind Hazardous Fuel Tank Spills

truck with fuel tank

Fuel tank spills can have disastrous consequences, leading to widespread environmental pollution and health risks for humans and animals. Unfortunately, these spills are common, with many occurring yearly due to various causes.

To better understand these causes and have your local fuel tank repair company prevent them, it is important to look at some common factors that can lead to hazardous fuel tank spills. These include:

1. Equipment Failure

Equipment failure is a common cause of fuel tank spills. When fuel tanks fail, the resulting spill can be devastating, resulting in environmental contamination, loss of property and even loss of life. The equipment used to store and transport fuel must be properly maintained and inspected to ensure it is in proper working condition.

When it comes to fuel tank failure, the primary cause is usually corrosion. Most of the time, corrosion is caused by water in the fuel tank, caused by condensation or a leak. Sometimes, chemical contaminants may be present in them. In addition, fuel tanks can suffer damage from physical impacts, such as collisions or debris. 

2. Poor Maintenance

Fuel tank repair services always recommend that people maintain their fuel tanks properly. After all, fuel tanks have a lifespan of several years, and like any other mechanical system, they need to be regularly serviced and inspected. Poor maintenance can lead to fuel tank failure and spills. This can happen due to a lack of cleaning, which can lead to the accumulation of dirt, debris and other contaminants, as well as the buildup of rust and corrosion.

In addition, fuel tanks need to be regularly checked for signs of leakage or damage. You should replace the tank immediately if any signs of wear and tear are noticed. Lastly, refill fuel tanks frequently to ensure the fuel inside is fresh and free from contaminants.

3. Delivery Problems

Sometimes, your fuel tank is delivered late or damaged, which can be due to several reasons. Firstly, it could be because of a lack of communication between the fuel tank delivery company and the customer. For a successful delivery, the customer must provide the company with accurate information regarding the delivery address and tank size.

Aside from that, it is important to note that fuel tanks can be damaged during the delivery process, and in such cases, it is important to contact the delivery company to arrange for a replacement.

4. Dispensing Problems

Your fuel tank can encounter dispensing problems due to several factors, such as a blocked filter, a defective pump, or a faulty pressure gauge. In such cases, it is important to check all of the components of the fuel tank and to contact the manufacturer or a fuel tank repair service for assistance. If the problem persists, replacing the fuel tank or its components may be necessary to ensure it functions correctly.

Final Thoughts

Fuel tank spills can be hazardous and costly, with several common causes behind them. To prevent spills, it’s important to properly maintain fuel tanks and equipment, follow safety procedures, and be prepared for emergencies.

Additionally, regular inspections and maintenance can identify issues before they become problems, and having a spill response plan in place can help minimise the impact of a spill. By preventing fuel tank spills, businesses and individuals can protect the environment, property, and human health and avoid costly cleanup and legal expenses.

Fuel Fixer is one of the best fuel tank repair shops across the UK that specialises in preventing fuel tank spills and helping businesses and individuals get back on track after an unexpected incident. Get in touch with us today!

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